Culture & Social Learning

Are you ready to embark on a linguistic and cultural journey like no other?

Culture & Social Learning is an innovative and interactive English language class that caters to mixed ages and levels, with a primary focus on using English in a natural and expressive way.

カルチャー&ソーシャルラーニングのクラスへようこそ!他では体験できない言語と文化の旅に出てみませんか? カルチャー&ソーシャルラーニングクラスは、年齢やレベルを問わず、自然で表現力豊かな英語を使うことを主とした革新的でインタラクティブな英語クラスでです。私たちの目標は、語学力を養い、文化的な認識を促し、楽しみながらそれを実践することです。










クラススケジュール:月曜日 午後4時〜午後6時

合計レッスン回数 :
クラス定員 :


1レッスン¥6,200 / 1Term¥68,200(2nd Term)

担当講師 :
Hamid Heidrich
Joy Studio

バスサービス :
往復 ¥1,200 片道 ¥750


  • 総合的アプローチ:単に言語を教えるだけでなく、文化にどっぷりと浸かることで英語を総合的な視点で考え、話し、理解できるようにします。
  • インタラクティブな学習:ここでは退屈な講義はありません。このクラスは参加、交流、体験学習が全てです。
  • プロの講師:経験豊富でフレンドリーな講師が、あらゆるステップを指導し、効果的で楽しい学習の旅をお約束します。
  • グローバルな視点:英語圏の国々やその国々の伝統、現代の社会的ダイナミクスについての見識を深め、世界観と文化的感受性を広げます。





お申込みおよびお問い合わせは、スクールオフィスにお電話またはディレクターまでメールにてご連絡ください。毎週月曜日の午後4時から午後6時まで、Joy Studioでのクラスにご参加いただき、楽しみながら英語の可能性を最大限に引き出すお手伝いをさせていただけることを楽しみにしております!



  • 世界を巡る冒険:本の読み聞かせや、ゲーム、体験型のアクティビティを通じて異なる国々やその文化、伝統を探ります。
  • 海の冒険:魅力的な海洋生物の世界に飛び込み、海洋生態系について学び、さらには自分だけの水中物語を創作してみましょう。
  • タイムトラベラーズ:歴史を旅し、歴史的な人物に会い、様々な時代の生活を体験します。
  • 魅惑の森の冒険:想像上の森で神話の生き物と出会い、謎を解きながら不思議な冒険に出かけましょう。
  • 宇宙への旅:宇宙に飛び出して、太陽系や宇宙探査について学び、他の惑星での生活を想像します。
  • 動物王国:世界中の動物を間近にみて、彼らの生息地やユニークな特徴を理解します。
  • スーパーヒーローと悪役:内なるヒーローや悪役を解き放ち、キャラクターを作り、善悪の概念を探求します。
  • 料理の冒険:世界各国の料理の世界を発見し、様々な文化圏の美味しい料理を作り、味わいましょう。
  • 神話の伝説:ギリシャ神話から様々な文化の伝承まで、神話と伝説の世界に飛び込んでみましょう。
  • 潜入捜査官:謎を解き明かし、手がかりを読み解き、スリリングでインタラクティブな冒険で若き探偵になりましょう。
  • 芸術と表現:芸術の世界を探求し、自身の傑作を創作し、有名な芸術家とその技術について学びます。
  • エコ・エクスプローラーズ:環境保護の重要性を理解し、自然観察ハイキングに出かけ、野生動物の保護について学びます。
  • 音楽の旋律:音楽の魔法を発見し、様々な楽器を探求し、自分だけのオリジナルバンドを作ることも可能です。
  • スポーツスペクタキュラー:様々なスポーツやチームワークについて学びながら、楽しく体を動かします。
  • ファンタジーの世界:ユニークな生き物や地理、冒険が詰まった魔法の世界を作り上げます。
  • 科学の不思議:エキサイティングな実験を行い、宇宙の神秘について学び、科学への愛を育みます。



Mixed Ages and Levels
This class is open to learners of all ages and proficiency levels. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced English speaker, you're welcome to join us on this exciting adventure.

Natural Language Use
In Culture & Social Learning, we emphasize the use of English in a natural, real-world context. Through engaging activities, conversations, and role-playing, you will develop the ability to express yourself confidently and fluently.

Cultural Immersion
‍We believe that language is deeply intertwined with culture. Our class explores English not just as a means of communication but as a gateway to understanding the diverse cultures and social landscapes of English-speaking countries.

Role-Playing Activities
‍Get ready to step into the shoes of various characters, professions, and situations. Our role-playing activities are designed to boost your language skills, creativity, and adaptability.

Fun and Enjoyment
‍Learning is at its best when it's enjoyable. In Culture & Social Learning, you will have a blast while improving your English skills. Expect laughter, excitement, and memorable learning experiences.

Varied Themes
‍Over the course of this program, we will explore more than 10 different themes, giving you a comprehensive view of English language and culture.

Course Information:

This course will start on January 8, 2024 ~ March 18, 2024

Class Schedule: Mondays, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Frequency: Classes will be held once a week.
Total Lessons: 11 Lessons
Group Class Max: 8-10 Students

Age Group
‍This class is suitable for learners aged 7 to 11.

¥6,200 per class/¥68,200 per term(2nd Term)

Teacher: Hamid Heidrich
Location: The classes will be held at Joy Studio.

Bus Service
Round Trip ¥1,200, One Way ¥750.

Why Choose Culture & Social Learning

  • Holistic Approach: We don't just teach language; we immerse you in the culture, enabling you to think, speak, and understand English in a well-rounded way.
  • Interactive Learning: You won't find any dull lectures here. Our classes are all about participation, interaction, and experiential learning.
  • Professional Instructors: Our experienced and friendly instructors are here to guide you every step of the way, making sure your learning journey is both effective and enjoyable.
  • Global Perspective: Gain insights into English-speaking countries, their traditions, and contemporary social dynamics, expanding your worldview and cultural sensitivity.

Why Choose Culture & Social Learning

  • Holistic Approach: We don't just teach language; we immerse you in the culture, enabling you to think, speak, and understand English in a well-rounded way.
  • Interactive Learning: You won't find any dull lectures here. Our classes are all about participation, interaction, and experiential learning.
  • Professional Instructors: Our experienced and friendly instructors are here to guide you every step of the way, making sure your learning journey is both effective and enjoyable.
  • Global Perspective: Gain insights into English-speaking countries, their traditions, and contemporary social dynamics, expanding your worldview and cultural sensitivity.

Join Us Today

Don't miss the opportunity to grow your English abilities, make friends, and explore the world through language and culture. Register now for Culture & Social Learning and embark on a unique educational journey. With over 10 different themes to explore, there's something exciting waiting for everyone!

Yes you can change to this class even if you have already signed up for our AE Program. We will help you to transfer your credit here.

Contact Information:

For registration and inquiries, please contact the school office or email the director. We look forward to welcoming you to our class at Joy Studio every Monday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM and helping you unleash your full potential in English while having a blast!

Let's learn, explore, and have fun together!

Sample Themes

  • Around the World: Explore different countries, their cultures, and traditions through storytelling, games, and hands-on activities.
  • Under the Sea Adventure: Dive into the fascinating world of marine life, learn about ocean ecosystems, and even create your own underwater tales.
  • Time Travelers: Take a journey through history, meet historical figures, and experience life in different time periods.
  • Enchanted Forest: Embark on a magical adventure in an imaginary forest, meeting mythical creatures, and solving riddles.
  • Space Odyssey: Blast off into space to learn about the solar system, space exploration, and even imagine life on other planets.
  • Animal Kingdom: Get up close and personal with animals from around the world, understanding their habitats and unique characteristics.
  • Superheroes and Villains: Unleash your inner hero or villain, create your characters, and explore the concepts of good and evil.
  • Culinary Adventures: Discover the world of international cuisine, cook, and taste delicious dishes from various cultures.
  • Mythical Legends: Dive into the world of myths and legends, from Greek mythology to folklore from various cultures.
  • Undercover Detectives: Solve mysteries, decipher clues, and become a young detective in thrilling, interactive adventures.
  • Art and Expression: Explore the world of art, create your masterpieces, and learn about famous artists and their techniques.
  • Eco Explorers: Understand the importance of environmental conservation, embark on nature hikes, and learn about wildlife preservation.
  • Musical Melodies: Discover the magic of music, explore various musical instruments, and even create your own band.
  • Sports Spectacular: Engage in fun physical activities while learning about different sports and teamwork.
  • Fantasy Realms: Create your magical world, complete with unique creatures, geography, and adventures.
  • Science Wonders: Conduct exciting experiments, learn about the mysteries of the universe, and develop a love for science.

These themes will not only make learning English enjoyable but also foster creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness in young learners. Each theme offers a unique and immersive experience, ensuring that every class is an exciting adventure.